People use the internet to research their next purchase, and when they’ve narrowed down their options, they use a search engine to find the best way of buying it. Your products, content or services will be placed in front of users when you’ve effectively adhered to the best practices of Search Engine Optimisation.
YSearch engines read all websites and using clever algorithms they decide whether the content on your website is relevant to the end-user searching the internet.
So, when end-users type in “where can I buy the best apples”, websites selling apples, and those websites discussing the best apples, are listed above the websites that sell, say oranges, or pears.
But what makes a search engine even more clever is the way their algorithms decide which of those websites selling apples are ranked above one another.
This is where professional SEO comes into play; optimising the content on your website so that a search engine values your content enough to show it to the end user. The higher your Search Engine Optimisation score, the higher up the search results page your website is displayed.
SEO is important for greater searchability and visibility, but offers more real value than that. Search engine optimisation is hyper-targeted and extremely customer-centric. An effective SEO strategy will help deliver your web pages to a highly relevant audience via pertinent search queries.